The Most Important Aspect of Dental Implants
With so many patients opting for dental implants in Brooklyn, the team at Advanced Dental Care wanted to take a moment to discuss the most important aspect of dental implants in Brooklyn- the dentist who places them in the first place.
Why is this so important? It’s vital to select the right dentist for your dental implants since every dentist implements their own techniques and procedures. In short, the entire implant process changes from office to office. It’s important to pay close attention to these procedures, and to ask the office directly how they approach dental implants.
For example, here at Advanced Dental Care, we have an oral surgeon that places all of our implants. We do this to shorten healing time and ensure the best possible patient outcome! In addition, our team of oral surgeons are incredibly well-trained in implant dentistry, and have been placing dental implants for years. Pay attention to details like this – who exactly will be placing your implants? What is their academic background? Do they have credentials specifically in implant dentistry?
If you’d like to know more about our own implant procedures here at Advanced Dental Care, don’t hesitate to contact our office at (718) 285-6272, or visit our dental implant page with the link below!